The All-inclusive Guideline for First-time Builders Working with Asbestos-Contaminated Soil

Posted on: 3 January 2017

What is asbestos? It is a fibrous form of silicate minerals resulting from rocks such as amosite, actinolite, chrysotile and tremolite among others. For several decades, asbestos has been used in different types of construction materials to provide strength and other qualities like fire resistance. The sad part, however, is that asbestos is very harmful to human health and It can be linked to several medical conditions including cancer. This is why you should be very careful when you are dealing with soil that has been contaminated by asbestos-based construction materials.
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Blast Management Clearing And Blasting Procedures

Posted on: 30 December 2016

When carrying out blasting work on a construction site, it's essential for the safety of all concerned that the correct clearing and guarding procedures are in place. Here's an overview of a well-thought out-clearing and guarding approach that should form part of the Blaster-in-Charge's risk management plan for every blast job. Clearing and Guarding An area around the shot area should be determined and cleared. All entry points to the shot area should be guarded to prevent unauthorised entry.
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How to Paint an Old Unpainted Wood Barn

Posted on: 30 December 2016

A barn is a sizeable farm outbuilding that is mostly used for storing farm produce or for sheltering livestock or other farm animals. Many people do not see the need to give their barns an attractive finish simply because it is not part of their living space. Nonetheless, these outbuildings impact the kerb appeal of the entire property. If you have a weather-beaten unpainted wood barn, you can give it a new lease of life by painting its exterior walls.
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Approaches To Home Maintenance

Posted on: 30 December 2016

When you move into a new home, it is definitely a happy occasion for all involved. However, unexpected home maintenance on parts such as dripping roofs, busted wall systems, and flooded basement can fade away the excitement as the repairs may supposedly not seem attractive on costs. To reduce on repair expenses, here are some of the ways of carrying out home maintenance projects. Regular repair of Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems
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